In February I went to Kuwait (through Dubai) for a Cambridge curriculum conference. It was a great experience and opportunity to meet teachers from all over Africa and the Middle East and to also learn more about the curriculum I am trying to teach. Kuwait was so different from living here it was unbelievable. So much wealth and prosperity from the oil industry which was so hard to see in light of the people we see everyday here in Africa. If only they could have enough for a good meal and the medical treatment they need. It is amazing how our understanding of need changes when we live in the environment we do. And how our heart is stirred to promote change and to try to make a difference in the lives we can.
We also just finished basketball season here and I really enjoyed coaching the high school girls basketball teams along with another teacher here at school, Christy. It is always such a blessing to spend time with students outside of class and get to know them better. It was a great season for that and to watch the teams grow together and learn as the season went on. We weren't all that good, but the girls played hard and that is important.
Relationships with students and teachers are continuing to grow and I am already getting sad about the seniors leaving us in just a couple months. I will miss them a lot and am so thankful for the opportunity I have had to get to know them.
field day at school
kids at the leprosy colony
more kids at the colony and yena who helps us translate

the varsity basketball team

the jv bball girls
the varsity basketball team
the jv bball girls